DBS IoT Devices

Unlocking Intelligent Building Insights with the Prysmian PoE Infrastructure

Increasing the number of data points within IoT-enabled buildings (BIoT) enhances the variety and volume of information that can be collected and communicated by leveraging on the number of sensors and components.


This creates an ecosystem of sensory components in a building with each component playing an essential part within the infrastructure. A PoE infrastructure can greatly facilitate the deployment and operation of IoT devices by providing a reliable, cost-effective, and flexible solution for both power and data connectivity. The more connected a building’s systems, the greater the variety, volume, and velocity of data generation, offering greater potential for intelligent decision-making.   

Environmental sensor

Environmental conditions such as temperature, lighting conditions, and air quality influence the productivity and ultimately the health of building occupants. PoE can be used to install a sensor network that ensures optimal working conditions through environmental monitoring, to improve employee satisfaction, wellness and work performance.


The Prysmian Environmental Sensor benefits from a 360-degree detection range and allows advanced daylight harvesting. This single device enables any intelligent building to precisely measure and control a variety of essential environmental parameters including:  

IoT Icons
Environmental Sensor

IoT Gateway

The IoT Gateway is a crucial component in an IoT ecosystem, serving as an intermediary between IoT sensors and central control software. As part of the PoE infrastructure it facilitates the communication, management, and security of data generated from a portfolio of over 3,000 building monitoring sensors using EnOcean and Bluetooth wireless protocols. For example: blind controls, automatic window controls and radiator valve controls.


Increasing the number of data points within IoT-enabled buildings (BIoT) enhances the variety and volume of information that can be collected and communicated by leveraging the number of sensors and IoT components. The implementation of the IoT gateway allows for speedy integration of additional devices and sensors, supporting the journey of a premises towards the goal of being a fully digital smart building.


A PoE infrastructure can greatly facilitate the deployment and operation of IoT gateways and their connected devices by providing a reliable, cost-effective, and flexible solution for both power and data connectivity. The more connected a building’s systems, the greater the variety, volume, and velocity of data generation, offering greater potential for intelligent decision-making.   

PoE Gateway

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