Prysmian products help speed fibre roll-out
High quality, innovative connectivity products are key to the roll-out of Fibre-to-the-Home and Fibre-to-the-Premises by speeding last mile fibre installation says Kris Roberts, Global Connectivity Product Development Manager

Living and working digitally is the new normal. People are sharing, purchasing, downloading, streaming, connecting and communicating in the digital universe. That being so, it will come as no surprise to hear that the demand for fast broadband has never been higher as more and more homes and businesses seek a fibre optic connection to enable access to fast reliable broadband.
Making faster connections
To help speed fibre optic roll-out, Prysmian has developed the Sirocco Extreme microduct cable to enable higher amounts of data to be transferred through smaller diameter cables, while its Karona Overblow System uses compressed air to blow new fibre optic cables into pre-existing sub-ducted routes, dramatically reducing both the time and costs of installation.
Alongside the development of new cables and cable installation systems Prysmian is also developing an extensive range of connectivity products for last mile fibre applications, including cable entry into business or residential premises and distribution to the final customer, which will further accelerate the roll-out of fibre.
Quality connectivity solutions

The CasaLink Block Terminal (CBT), for example, is an easy to install pre-connectorised closure that allows termination of the customer drop cable on the outside of the building. The CBT has an IP68 rating, making it suitable for both underground and aerial applications.
The closure is supplied with 100m of cable pre-installed into the box terminated on to SC/APC adaptors to reduce installation time. Alternatively, the CBT can be supplied with optical splitters installed, and a drop cable can be used to feed the splitter.
The CBT is available with the option of 4-, 8- or 12-output ports, these ports are used to connect customers using CBT drop cables.
CBT Drop Cables are available in various lengths. The cables are PIA approved, ultra lightweight, single fibre terminated at one end with an SC/APC adaptor for connection to the CBT unit, the unterminated end is spliced at the customer premises using a CBT External Customer Termination Box Mk1.
For jointing optical fibre cables, Prysmian manufacture the xMJ range of closures ranging from 24 fibres to over 3000 fibres.
As part of the xMJ range Prysmian can incorporate connectors: the CMJ has 12 SC/24LC adaptors and the MMJ with 24 SC/48LC adapters. Their capacities and sizes make these devices ideal for use as final drop solutions.
In addition to the xMJ range, Prysmian manufacture a selection of connectivity products or both internal and external applications from the exchange to the home.
For customer termination, Prysmian can offer the ECSB4 (External Customer Splice Box) is a small wall-mounted product used for splicing of up to 12 fibres and up to four customer drop cables. While the Hybrid Drop Box (HDB4) is a wall-mounted demarcation product used to splice up to four fibres and up to four customer drop cables and it can house adaptors.
The ultimate connection device for both internal and external Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) applications, however, is Prysmian's Flexi Box. This can accommodate fibre only connections, power only connections, or both fibre and power.
For FTTH applications, Flexi Box is available for the termination of fibre in various combinations including: splice only, pre-terminated fibre, and splice and patch versions. Each configuration is designed to enable the unit's fast deployment through easy customer installation and connection.
In the case of a multiple dwelling unit, Flexi Box is suitable for use as a basement box. It can accept an external cable for splicing to the individual drop cables, which can be done as a point-to-point solution or through the use of splitters.
In its hybrid version, Flexi Box is also ideal for Fibre-to-the-Antenna (FTTA) applications, where it will enable the termination of Prysmian's FTTA hybrid fibre and 48V DC power cables to ensure the efficient delivery of power and fibre to remote radio heads.
In addition, the Flexi Box can be used as a power or fibre primary distribution point to enable up to 10 drops to antennas for connection with fibre and power utilising off-the-shelf DIN rail-mounted products. Depending on application, Flexi Box is available in an IP rated version for external wall/pole-mounting applications.
For more information on Prysmian Group's connectivity solutions for the last mile go to: