Cable and Accessories

Extruded cable systems

Prysmian Group designs and manufactures extruded HV and EHV cables and cable accessories using XLPE or EPR polymers as the base material for insulation. Our research  into process technology and materials ensures long term service and reliability for every system. These cable systems can operate at elevated temperatures and under considerable electrical stress and operate up to Um 525 kV.

Fluid filled cable systems

Prysmian Group is synonymous with fluid filled HV and EHV cable systems and has been since the company invented the technology and introduced its range into service in the 1920s. Fluid filled technology has proven electrical performance, high life expectancy and an excellent reliability record. They continue to meet the demands of world-wide transmission and distribution systems up to 1100 kV AC.

Dry design terminations

Prysmian Group HV outdoor terminations is a new type of filling medium that replaces the traditional silicon fluid. This new medium is a special environmentally friendly silicone-based compound that becomes partially “solid” - but still “flexible” - shortly after filling the termination for commissioning. The material proves to be leak-proof, is maintenance free and requires no fluid monitoring. It also remains sufficiently elastic to withstand even the highest ranges in temperature guaranteeing full reliability.