Enabling a Full Fibre Infrastructure White Paper

Building sustainable fibre networks


The societal and economic benefits of a fully enable digital infrastructure are now fully accepted in the UK.  Supported by a government that sees private enterprise as the route to deliver full-fibre roll-out, the UK market has encouraged the rapid growth of a diverse range of organisations supporting this ambition. The fast-moving AltNets have transformed the telecommunications sector and proved very attractive to investors.


As the market matures, we see some of the incentives changing for the network builders and this, in turn, puts the onus on the supply chain to meet new demands from the AltNets and their investors.


Currently the main focus for full-fibre roll-out is homes connected. It is estimated today that around 63% of UK households now have full fibre available to them, yet OFCOM estimates that only 28% of these homes have taken up the full fibre offer.  So the final stage of connection to individual premises is centre stage, with all the complexities of access and speed that this involves.


At the same time, a move towards ethically responsible investment requires every supply chain to focus on developing less energy-intensive manufacturing and more sustainable solutions.


As a leading manufacturer of components specifically designed to enable the critical last mile connections, Prysmian has produced this white paper to consider the current status of the UK fibre market.  Just as importantly, it gives information on how Prysmian, as one key element of the supply chain, is supporting the UK goal of zero carbon emissions by 2050.

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